Friday, February 20, 2009


20th February 2009, 9.35pm

It's Friday night! everyone should be out partying, dating, shopping, dining, hanging out somewhere instead of staying at home. But i'm home now preparing my stuff for tomorrow's Scouters' Council AGM. Haha, i asked for it as i dragged this till the very last minute.. University life finally resumes and it's the end of my second week of this semester. Though the feeling is no longer the same. Very long breaks in between classes from tuesday till thursday, people issolating themselves from us, even the usual frequent outings on weekends with usual people are gone. Everyone is leading to a different path, hanging out with different people and some might feel abandoned. But the LUCKY thing is, i have no class on friday, which means a long weekend for me! Thats the thing i'm always looking forward to every week, i can wake up slightly later instead of 6.45am during school days when the sky is not even bright yet.Very soon March will come, and assignments will be piling up, and the most significant answer will be known and revealed by the end of march. I worked for a month last year and the pay supposed to be spent in getting myself a new phone, but plan changed to a laptop instead of a handphone. RM 1500 is sponsored, and the rest i have to fork out my own money. But it's worth it i guess, at least i bought it partially with my hard earned money. Great Satisfaction. Looks like the plan of getting a new phone have to be postponed till my next break whereby i worked again. I've not been working this month, felt so useless and broke.. No income coming in at all, i hate this feeling.. But at the same time i'm lazy to work, no latest profile of mine been sent out lately as my hair is short and no proper + suitable photo of me in that hairstyle yet..

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