Here's the book which most of the girls been fascinating about, i'm one of them've completed reading it, and will lend it to anyone who needs's some of the tips for girls out there who once were like me...Here's it : HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU
2)Excuses are polite rejections.
3)Just because you're always a leader, doesn't mean in realationship as well. Some traditions are born of nature and last through time for a reason.
4)Calling when you say you're going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust.
6)Meeting someone you like and dating him is supposed to make you feel better, not worse. ( BARE THAT IN MIND!)
7)If a man is really into you, nothing will stop him from being with you-including fear of intimacy.
8) Being drunk or high is an altered state that can actually take you away from real feelings. ( DO NOT TAKE IT FOR REAL! IT MIGHT JUST BE AN AFFECTION..)
9)"I'm not ready" phrase which is the most often used excuse by guys and girls, but it always does the trick. Women love waiting around for men to be ready. We have the biological clocks that are supposedly ticking away. So how about stop waiting, and start looking for that guy who can't wait to love you. ( DON'T SPEND YOUR TIME ON AND GIVE YOUR HEART TO ANY GUY WHO MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT ANYTHING RELATED TO HIS FEELINGS FOR YOU.)
10)A man who wants to make a relationship work will move mountains to keep the woman he loves. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, everyday, not to be with you.(SOUNDS A LITTLE BIT DRAMATIC TO ME.)
11)Deciding to get back together with someone: Just remember the same person who not long before, told you that he was no longer in need of your company. (HOW IRONIC IT IS)
12) You can't talk your way out of break up.It is a definitive action, not a democratic one. (MOST OF THE TIME IT'S TRUE.)
13) There's nothing worse than having no answer, whether in business, friendships and especially relationships. No answer is the answer which is "he's no longer that into you."
14) When he's gone, don't ask yourself what you did wrong or how you could have done it differently. Stop thinking back on all the things he said, wondering what was the truth and lie.
15)When a guy no longer wants to communicate with you, and doesn't have the manners or courage to tell you that face to face, he's given you the 'information' you need.
16) He's not a stock you're investing in, which means no waiting for him to appreciates or depreciates in order to earn profits. He supposed to be emotionally avaible enough for you, so do not ask for just the minimum.
17) If he is really into you, he will get over his issues fast and makes sure he doesn't lose you.
18)You already have one asshole. You don't need another one. ( SOUNDS SO DISGUSTING)
19)Making all those excuses for someone and trying to "figure someone out" takes up a lot of energy. Think of all the time you've opened up for so many other positive things besides obsessing over him.( AGREE!)
20)And lastly, Love is a drug.No matter how rehabilitated you are, the drug gets you. Particularly if it's been long time since you've taken the drug-then it really can take hold. Love is something most of us want very badly in our lives, sometimes more than we even want to admit.
I'm done with my 20 principles abstracted from the book above.It's just for displaying purposes, i might be wrong and you have the right to not agree with me. Afterall, they are created as a reminder to girls and not meant for argument purpose.Hehe.
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