Sunday, June 13, 2010


14th June 2010, 2.45pm
dedicated and energetic scouters all the time, with lim vincent on the top photo, chan yee en and lee kin meng at the bottom photo

the group photo on the final day

going through the obstacles of fallen trees which blocked the path way after the heavy downpour, latex from trees are still sticky

yoon kong's hand made cooking stove
I'm jus back from camp,did not went straight to sleep, instead i'm awake to blog and upload photos in facebook. I'm not part of the camper, just a scouter monitoring and ensuring everything runs well. Therefore not lacking of sleep as i slept before 12am in the camp. It's another lifetime experience this round, though some should have experienced this when they were a scout instead of scouter. Finding water and food resources from tree,cooking coconut rice, building a stove using aluminium cans and chopping bamboo. As usual, it takes something to learn something, i broke an axe.
~time to settle down to usual daily routine~

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