Saturday, March 27, 2010


28th March 2010, 12.05am
I couldn't sleep so i decided to let this out,
It's heartache to realise things are no longer the same,
Not for the better but inversely,
I'm tired of raising the same issue, being unappreciated and taken for granted,
I am still willing to wait for what it used to be to return one day,
Enlightenment, Laughter, Assurance, Appreciation, Commitment, Trust and Fate,
But my tolerance will hit its limit,
When i'm no longer able to live in this continuous darkness,
I will choose to live without it,
Please forgive my cruelty that time,
I'm afraid of getting hurted and burned once again,
This feeling is unbearable.

~silence is golden when you choose to escape reality, things are out of our control sometimes, so stop thinking!whether it's the past or future~

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