Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 months internship officially ended!

30th July 2009,10.30pm
2 months of ot, work stress and auditting finally ended officially yesterday! and was out to celebrate dequeen's belated birthday at the same time..lazy to type, jus upload photos first, will update more when i'm back next week.

birthday girl with 2 muffins and a heartshape pooh baloon (spontaneous plan)

dinner place at damansara perdana:belicious

me n dequeen

'love' is in the air...with dark eye circles but i like this photo

the 3 of us

campwhore session:

dequeen said i'm cheered up

outside sanctuary ...ladies night with free flow of drinks
nice shot

day ended well,fortunate that we were not arrested by police's road block

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